Blood and Thunder is a blog periodically written by Ivan Deluca about his interests and hobbies.

A blog about Games and the internet in general; now with less updates

Monday, November 3

Posted by Ivan


There's an infinitude of interesting websites to deep in nowadays. Multiple small or big corporations have been using the blog format for some years to provide news to all kind of audiences.
It's starting to grow up on popularity, and no one wants to be exception. Back when I was really little, it actually was hardly a possibility to find something on google linked to a blog, despise now SEO tactiques are hot debate topics.
By the time you have got to this part, you probably have used about 10 to 15 seconds of your time, which is almost twice the average of time everyone glances to each website. Still, if you are interested, keep reading.

Mine's but a personal blog. If there's something relatively interesting, I'll probably give some thought and elaborate something to write in this.
'Blood and Thunder' is a song by Mastodon from their 2004 disc, Leviathan. It loosely describes the obsession by the Captain Ahab for the White Whale, before reaching its climax on the second song of the disc, "I am Ahab". If you're interested in the band, you can read the article on wikipedia, or just listen to the song.


You can find me on the following emails. I'd please ask you to specify the subject "blog" or anything of the like on the message. If you see you can't contact me via email, just write something on this post and I'll reply you.


1 comentarios: said...

Nice one